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How To Stack Multiple Batteries

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If you are using our old NMC batteries with your system, in order to stack them, you need to first balance them (meaning they all have nearly the same voltage). The voltage between batteries being stacked must be 1/2 Volt or less. Usually, the easiest way to do this is to simply fully charge the batteries before stacking. When doing this, it’s important to observe that the state of charge is reading 29.0 volts or higher. You can also balance your batteries by checking the voltage of each battery and charging or draining them until they are within 1/2 of a volt. New batteries with the power button on them do not need to be balanced before stacking them, unless they are being stacked with older batteries. Newer batteries can simply be stacked together and turned on. They will auto balance on their own.

Once all batteries are fully balanced (if they are old), they can then be stacked together for use with the power module placed on top. Again, it’s important to remember that until the display meter is programmed to the new capacity and the batteries are fully charged, the display meter will not read an accurate state of charge. You will know the batteries are full if the meter reads 100%, AND the battery voltage is 28.8 or higher.

To program battery capacity:
1 battery = 74 ah
2 batteries = 148 ah
3 batteries = 222 ah
4 batteries = 296 ah
5 batteries = 370 ah

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